Lip Blush

 What is Lip Blush?

Lip blush is a cosmetic tattoo technique specially developed to give the most subtle, nearly undetectable enhancement of one’s lip color.   


How long does it last?

This is a very difficult question to answer.  There are many factors that contribute to how long lip blush can last.  If the client is diligent in sun protection, is cautious when applying active skincare (please protect your lips from any “active” ingredients including (but not limited to) retinol, glycolic acid, salicylic acid), it can be expected to last 1-3 years.


Does it hurt?

Everybody experiences discomfort differently.  Often times, artists master their craft by practicing tattooing on silicone “skin”, pig skin or bananas.   For this very gentle technique, it is recommended to practice tattooing on a balloon.  If the artist pops the balloon, it’s too deep.   That said, clients rarely report discomfort.  


How do you choose the color?

We will have a thorough consultation at the start of your appointment, during which we will discuss your target shade and expectations. Consider bringing a few of your favorite go-to lip products so it is easier to get an idea of your comfort zone.  There is an endless array of color combinations to choose from.    


What’s the healing process like?

To be perfectly blunt: easy peasy.

Day 1:  Lips may look and feel slightly swollen and may feel a bit tender, somewhat similar to the feeling of a sunburn.  

Day 2:  Lips darken and take on more of a “lipstick” look.  Swelling is most likely subsided and tenderness is minimized.

Day 3&4: Lips begin to peel revealing the lighter, softer healed shade.  

Day 5:  Lips are completely peeled and appear between 40 and 70% softer than day 1.  


Am I a candidate for lip blush?

There are only a few reasons that a potential client would not be a candidate.

*Bruising/bleeding disorders.  It is extremely difficult to achieve smooth, even color saturation on clients who bruise or bleed excessively, therefore is not an ideal candidate.

*Clients whose natural lip color is an extremely dark or bluish tone.  This is considered corrective work and is very difficult to achieve a desired result using this very sheer, very soft technique. If you are unsure if you fall into this category, please email a photo of your bare lips to prior to scheduling your appointment.

* Clients who have had lip filler, chemical peels or laser treatments in the last 30 days are not a candidate for lip blush.  If you are planning to have lip fillers, please wait until after your lip blush procedure(s) is complete.

*Active cold sore/fever blister/acne on or around the mouth.  If you develop any of the above, please contact us immediately to reschedule your appointment.

*Clients who are pregnant or nursing are unable to undergo ANY cosmetic tattooing procedures.


How should I prepare for my appointment?

If you have ever had a cold sore, even once, it is HIGHLY recommended that you take prescription anti-viral medication (Valtrex or whatever your healthcare provider recommends) for MINIMUM 5 days before and 5 days after your lip blush procedure. If you are unsure if you’ve ever had a cold sore, it is recommended that you err on the side of caution and take the anti-viral.   As with ANY medication, please consult with your healthcare provider before beginning or stopping any medications.

Please refrain from using any blood thinning substances for 5 days prior to your procedure. This includes but is not limited to alcohol, fish oil, and advil.

Keep your lips moisturized!  Chapped lips are the enemy so do what you have to in order to keep them as soft as you possibly can for the day of your appointment.

Plan to stay OUT of the sun completely for 5-7 days and then take extreme caution by using high spf chapstick for a minimum of one month after that.  


Long term care

To keep your lips looking their best, it is recommended that you schedule touch-ups every 1-2 years. This isn’t required by any means, but failure to do so will result in your lips eventually returning to their original color.

This may be the most important thing to remember going forward:


Why was that last section in all caps?  Because some lasers can make your cosmetic tattoo turn black.  Yes, black.  Even if it looks like your cosmetic tattoo is completely faded, there might be some left behind and it will turn black