Hyaluronic Acid Filler Preparation



In order to be best prepared for success with Hyaluron Pen, follow the below steps before your appointment. 


For 1 week prior avoid blood thinners &  dehydrating substances like caffeine, alcohol, St. John’s Wart, Ginko Biloba, primrose oil, fish oil, vitamin E, aspirin, ibuprofen or similar products (Advil, Motrin, Aleve). They can cause bruising, bumps, more aggressive pinpoint marks & lack of volume.

For 1 week prior & 1 week after, avoid tretinoin, retinal, retinoids, glycolic acid, peels, skin sensitizing products.

72 hours prior & 72 hours after, avoid highly processed foods as they grately dehydrate the body.  Instead, eat spinach, kale and celery the week before to boost your levels of Vitamin K.

Drink 1/2 gallon or more water daily for 48 hours hours before and after treatment.  Hyaluronic Acid bonds to other Hyaluronic Acid and water.

24 hours prior and as needed after take arnica montana tablets and an anti-inflammatory to help with swelling and bruising. 

24 hours prior and after avoid flying or saunas as they dehydrate the body.

24 hours prior and after avoid rigorous workouts. New fresh fillers need time to set so lots of water and lack of rigorous movement for 24 hours after is key.